Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Marquis Goodwin - In Class Final

Some rain got on my camera so it effected the camera in some instances and the audio in other. With that said I would advise playing at the highest volume for the best quality. Thank you. Enjoy.

Jack's final

Right here!


Antonio Barbera In-class Final 5/9/12

Kirsten Petersen - Video Final

Here's the link:

Nicko Duchesne - Video Final

K Chinn in Class Final

Gabby Kratsas in class video final

wahhh our last assignment

Scott Zlotnick- Video Final

Jarrett Adams In Class Final Assignment

video final

In-Class Video Final - Sam Schmieder

Alex Gharghoury Video Mini-Final

Video Final: Best and Worst Places to Study

Heres the link to the video as well...

Tim Horsey Video Final

203 Video Final- Studying from Tim Horsey on Vimeo.

Final - Sam Schmieder

Final Project: "Welcome to Balticore, Metaland"

Sorry about the bad quality and lighting, I lost my camera right before filming and had to go to Walmart and buy a cheap crappy one. Here's the link to video as well...

Jarrett Adams Final Project 5/9/2012

Untitled from Jarrett Adams on Vimeo.

Antonio Barbera Jour203 Final Project 5/9/12

Marquis Goodwin - Final Project

Alex Gharghoury Final Project -- Maryland Day

Final Project- Kevin Chinn (Cinco De Mayo Festival DC)

Final Project- Janae Cruz KEEP ME MARYLAND

I apologize for the wind in my one interview. I know you said there is nothing we can really do until we get more high-tech microphones and cameras. So there was not much I could do but I didn't want to take her out because I thought what she had to say was really good. Hope you like it!

Final Project-Kirsten Petersen (POTS Profile)

Here's the link:

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Sequence - Sam Schmieder

Cherise Centi: Video Assignment 4/25

Here's the link to the video as well...
Antonio Barbera 5/2/12 Sequence

Video Sequence - Marquis Goodwin

Hannah Anderson - Drawing Sequence

Sequence: Skateboarding

Jarrett Adams Sequence Video

Untitled from Jarrett Adams on Vimeo.

Cherise Centi Sequence Video

Here's the link to the video also...

Make Up Sequence

Here's the link:

Alex Gharghoury Seqeunce

Laundry Sequence- Kevin Chinn

Tim Horsey Sequence: It's Peanut Butter Jelly Time!

Watch my roommate make the worst Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich ever.

Tim Horsey 203 Sequence Video from Tim Horsey on Vimeo.