Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Red Velvet Rendezvous

Sara McPhilmy prepares red velvet cupcake mix for her friend Amy's birthday party. 

Sara combines eggs, water, and the mix into a bowl.
Vegetable oil is a necessity when baking. 

She places 12 baking cups into the cupcake pan. 
Tonight is Sara's friend's birthday party, so she has to move quickly if she wants to finish baking in time. 
She fills the polka dotted baking cups with the finalized mix.

It's about time the dessert went into the oven.

She reaches her hand for the timer above her oven.
The timer sounds as the cupcakes solidify. 

Sara has to wait for the cupcakes to cool
 down before adding any icing to the tops. 
Buttercream frosting is piped onto the top. 

The piping continues until the entire cupcake is doused in buttercream. 

Sara is happy with her work and decides to treat herself to her creation. 

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