Thursday, March 10, 2016


Before students arrived to the Stamp Atrium for Salsa^2 on March 9, UMD Chef Manager Larry Tumlin began prepping food and drinks for guests. 

To get students warmed up, salsa dance instructor Christina Banalopoulou started with simple rhythmic steps for everyone to follow. 

Hayley Abramowitz, sophomore vocal performance and music education major, tried some of her own salsa moves with her dance partner. 

The drink of choice for the night was an apple cider, strawberry pureĆ© and ginger ale mix. No one could say no to another glass. 

Sara Thompson, Coordinator and DJ for the night, stood observing the class, happy about the great turn out. 

Chef Tumlin demonstrated three quick, easy and delicious salsa recipes for students. 

After the demonstration Saarah Javed, government and politics major, and Areege Jendi, tried samples of the salsa. 

Pablo Salazar, senior music composition major and new salsa dancer, grooved to the upbeat music with dance partner Brittney Wood, senior landscape architecture major.

Students gathered around to watch the final salsa demonstration before the night was over. 

The Art & Learning Center gave out free shirts for everyone who participated for the night as people began to slowly drift out of the Stamp Atrium at 8 P.M.