Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Kirsten Petersen Personality Portrait Assignment

Sophomore physics major Julia Ruth is a member of the University of Maryland Gymkana Troupe, a gymnastics program that encourages students to "soar above the influence" of drugs and alcohol.Ruth has been a member of Gymkana since her freshman year and has since become a featured performer in many acts, including Uneven Bars, Partner Balancing, and Rings. Here, Ruth practices her routine for Ladders, an act where six female troupers perform on a ladder supported by three male troupers.

Ruth flexes her muscles before practicing the Rings act. She certainly has a right to brag: she's the second girl trouper to ever perform Rings, traditionally a Gymkana act exclusively for the men.
Ruth was inspired to try out the Rings act when she learned that Rebecca Rouse was the first woman to perform the act for Gymkana in 2010. "I love the fact that so much strength is required in gymnastics yet, when done correctly, it looks effortlessly elegant," Ruth said.

Although the Rings act is exhausting, Ruth is ready to try again, chalking up her hands so she doesn't lose her grip. "I also love the challenges," Ruth said. "Gymnastics is such a hard sport to learn!"

Here is the Picasa album:

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