Friday, October 14, 2011

October 14 Assignment

Brothers of Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity await the start of the skit show, a long-lived tradition of Greek Homecoming, at Cole Field House. Sigma Phi Epsilon was grouped with Delta Gamma sorority and Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity for this year's Homecoming week festivities.
Sigma Phi Epsilon's Homecoming Chair Michael Criscuoli, sophomore, helped coordinate the week's events and was key in motivating his fraternity brothers for the competitions.
Sigma Phi Epsilon's Seth Backer (left) and Joe Toth (right) pose for a picture following their skit performance. Each matchup group is given a different theme and must choreograph a skit and dance routine using the theme. This year, the overall theme for Greek Homecoming was movie genres, and Sigma Phi Epsilon's theme was sci-fi.

Photo set:
By Naveed Siddiqui

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